Sunday, July 5, 2009

Andy Roddick!

The best man did NOT wim Wimbledon this time!Andy Roddick deserved to win.I don't want to analyze the match nor do I have anything against Roger, but i'm and have always been a harcore Andy girl and he should have won!bottomline!Tennis is cruel and so is fate!

I'm not dealing with this very well, talking about it just sets off another bout of tears(I've already used my lifetime's quota of tears!) so i'll leave this post with one thought! If there is indeed a God, he did one hellua crappy job yesterday with the finals!

Andy Roddick played better, was more gracious and is definitely the better man of the two.Why-o-why for Pete's sake should he lose?Is it Karma?Is it just written?Is it just that you thought it will be fun to watch him suffer?To quote Bruce Nolan

"God is a mean kid sitting on an anthill with a magnifying glass"!

U should be fired!


Vigneash said...

Good things come to those who wait...
It aint the end of the road is it?

harshni said...

I don't think Andy would get another chance like this!!How long can we wait? He's 26!@7 in 2 months

Vijay G S said...

I liked the memo to god especially ! Good work.

SM said...

I think the best man won!...Roger rocks!!

harshni said...

No way!Roger may be the best player in the world, but on that day Roddick was the best!

SM said...

I disagree!..Roddick was really good no doubt about that but Roger was the best thats why he won!!how else can u explain Roddickz loss??Luck huh!

SM said...

A year back when Nadal won against Roger i felt the same like you that Roger should have won!!but again the best one won in that match...

harshni said...

Not luck definitely!Maybe it came down to better nerves!It's hard to put a finger to!

Coming back to the better player question, Roddick had lesser unforced errors,more breakpoints, And even though Federer served out 50 aces, Roddick had more unreturnable serves and a way higher 1st serve percentage! His serve was broken just once and that cost him the match!hard to accept!

SM said...

yup you are right Roddick had lesser unforced errors,more break-point conversion %,more 1st serve % and his serve was broken just once and he lost because of that!!!and Rogers serve was broken twice and he still held his nerve and won the match.That is the reason why he is a much better player and that is the reason he is at number 1...Some years from now no one is going to look at the statistics...Its the win that matters in the end......

SM said...

and the game is much more than the numbers...

harshni said...

I totally understand that it's least about the numbers To Quote Navjot singh Sidhu "Stastics are like miniskirt, they reveal more than they should" I know in my head Federer won fair and square but my heart aches for Andy