Thursday, August 20, 2009

Metallica fans "Stay away"!

Metallica- A band I used to kinda like. "The Day that Never Comes" was a constant fixture on my playlist until about 5 minutes ago until i deleted that and the rest of the Metallica songs right off my phone. No! I do not have bipolar tendencies. There is a perfectly sane reason for my conduct. I don't cuss as a rule but please forgive my languagein this post.Hope i'm at my sarcastic best .

One thing about me though, I'm fiery. My friend from school even went as far to wonder if I have some Latin blood in me. So when I feel stongly about something I'm ruthless and scathing about people who are against it.The person bearing the brunt of my fury at this moment is James Hetfield.(Sorry Metallica fans)

Thursday, 20th August 2009
20.30 hrs: I open youtube
20.31 hrs: Type in Kurt Cobain
0.015sec later(or so sayeth youtube) a bevy of results pops up, everything from the infamous stoned interview to the stage diving fight.
20.32hrs After Pondering quiet a bit over which vid to watch( I allowed myself only 1. Effing BSNL and it's frickin' limits) i pick the one headbanger's ball video(BTW check this one out!Kurt wears a yellow ball gown b/c wait for it, It's a ball and is just plainly being a goofball) .
20.36hrs The vid plays out and youtube has to show off by recommending related videos. Interestingly, the very 2nd recommendation's captioned James F*&@#%G Hetfield ( Alright I added the expletive as his middle name. you tube didn't suggest it that way!) on Kurt Cobain.
20.37: I decide to cheat on my self imposed 1 video limit & take a peek.Navigate my mouse over and click with some trepidation.
Few mins later (I was kinda jittery at this unlikely combination that i gave two hoots to the exact time anymore) a metallica concert footage comes on with JFH mumbling something about his drummer being passed out b/c he was hopelessy drunk( so unprofessional BTW) and needing a few more minutes to play. So he decides to grow a brain and deliver a wisecrack.This from a man who in my opinion can't play in tune to the others even if Pythogoras himself tuned his guitar and Jamey boy, being this big star(cough) & all u shouldn't call a "plectrum" a "pick". Unfortunately for jamey though you have to be born with a brain which he wasn't so his wisecrack ends up being the most offensive thing ever to fall on my ears. He makes this utterly gross Joke about Kurt that i won't even bother repeating.This draws a lukewarm response from the audience. Anyone with a brain stem would have taken the cue & stopped, but not Jamey b/c well he doesn't have one. He makes the next stupid joke which i transcribe here:
What has 4 arms & 4 legs & works @ Mcdonalds? The rest of NIRVANA!
How funny? Someone ought to tell Jamey boy that Kurt still continues to sell more records than him, Oh wait Kurt's dead right? RIGHT! and he still outsells you!last time i checked(& i check everyday) Dave Grohl, NIRVANA's drummer, heads this awesome band called Foo Fighters. Jamey do u think having half a good verse and then screaming lke ur facing apocalypse makes for a good song? You want a lesson in how to make screaming artistic? Listen to "Aneurysm" or "Breed" oh yeah U don't have money to buy the record do u? Yeah! What will u do? No one wants to listen to a bunch of middle aged "men"( no wait! Men? i don't think so!) . I will personally lend u the record.
Didn't momma teach you not to insult the dead Jamey boy? Or where you so pissed off about the fact that a bunch of kids from seattle kicked ur ass in the 90's? Were u sour that even though u have been around since ice age, u still haven't managed to have the influence Kurt did in 4 years?
All this after Kurt personally said u were a great band! Fie on u!

Like Kurt would say, Plankton like you are a waste of sperm and egg.

Thank God they cremated Kurt and not bury him. He would be turning over in his grave if he had been buried!

P.S: Stay away is a beautiful NIRVANA song.. thats the reason for the quoted in the title! And my deepest apologies if have hurt the feelings of Metallica fans. I toyed with the idea of making this post but in the end Kurt means a lot to me! So sorry again


Manoj Kandasamy said...


I shared my views about ur post.

Anf following are my comments:

1) Ur blog looks good and its not relevant to me. So, obviously i'm not the right guy to comment.

2) Apart from that, if i can suggest anything, why cant you change the font color or background color.. :)

3) Keep on blogging. Its nice to meet a blogger from Coimbatore who has completely different interests.

Good day,

Manoj Kandasamy.

Manoj Kandasamy. said...


I just surfed for Kurt Cobain, and boy i think i need to lisen more of him!


Ryan said...

Atlast the comment page opens!

Dear cousin of mine,

I don't know whether to laugh or be amused by this immature and completely baseless post of yours. I've grown up seeing you listen to Backstreet boys, boyzone etc. I did too. Then you switched to metallica, and I remember a post even, about how great they were. And now You switched to Nirvana in a flash and push metallica out of your life. You don't even know who plays what, atleast until I told you so. And I was there when you began Nirvana as well.

Let me tell you why this argument is so kiddish, and a girl shouting back JUST because she likes Kurt.

First, James fuckin' Hetfield would love it if people called him James fuckin hetfield, because he IS attitude. True he fucks up many songs during live shows. But no one can pull his voice off or the attitude in it, like he does.

Kurt Cobain IS a legend. He Is a genius. But Nirvana isn't nirvana without him. No one can replace him. You replace anyone else and Nirvana will still be nirvana. Proving the point that the others are as expendable as mac boys. Dave Grohl is good. But why didn't he carry on Nirvana after Kurt's death, like Metallica did after Burton, THE greatest bassist ever? They stopped playing and almost disbanded. but they didn't. And made their best ever album - The black album, using Cliff's notes.

Metallica has withstood the test of time. You probably haven't seen any video of theeirs. They drink and go on stage, they are even called alcoholica. So what? You can't expect metalheads to be clean. And for the record, Kurt used to play, stoned.

Kurt Cobain started off grunge. Kurt's voice is unparalleled. That doesn't mean no one should make fun of him. If that joke had been about Westlife, you'd have laughed your head off, because now you like kurt.

And I don't even see a reason to comment on " No one wants to listen to a bunch of middle aged "men"( no wait! Men? i don't think so!) . I will personally lend u the record."
You're just being a kid who got her lollipop stolen.

And lol, you're getting all your statistics messed up. Metallica sell more than kurt.

As for calling foo fighters AWESOME, yea they are, but do YOU know that?

Bottom line : Kurt cobain IS nirvana's heart and soul. His music Is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. You cannot compare grunge and thrash metal. The techniques differ. Heck both bands aren't even half as technically brilliant as LoG or Opeth or Dreamtheater. But Nirvana had Kurt. and metallica has the ATTITUDE and their music to back it up. Heh if you're complaining about Lars getting drunk and passing out on stage wait till you watch "cunning stunts".

Tut tut. After a few weeks is it going to be someone else?

And you hoping it turns out sarcastic, clearly shows how you TRIEd to make it sound that way.

Peace. Love, empathy,
Your cousin. :)

(No offence :P. that argument would have gotten me a 6 on 6 in GRE AWA. )

harshni said...


Alright time to own up! I did not stop to think even for a nanosecond about what i was posting. I heard that comment and just prattled off the first thing that came to my mind. Sorry.. Metallica are a wonderful band and yes i like their music, but it stops there.. but with NIRVANA it's just that I just adore Kurt on a personal level so thats the reason for my indignation.My brain took a hiatus when i made that post.. I myself had made fun of Westlife in the recent past, so that post was the height of hypocrisy. I'm gonna leave the post as testament to my absolute lapse in judgement and stupidity.In hindsight when i read the post over it seems callous even to myself.

That said and done I don't think I'll ever shift to someone else in a few weeks. When i called "nothing else matters" as the best song ever( as u mentioned) i hadn't been exposed to "drain you".. and nothing has affected me as profoundly as NIRVANA's music.. I like Kurt as a person more than as a musician so yeah i don't think i'll ever shift priorities to another band.

Anyway, I acted exactly the opposite way of how Kurt would have wanted his fans to.. and for that i feel ashamed.

At 21, i should have known better

Sharanya said...

@ Harshni and Ryan:

Wait, you're cousins?! How come no one told me that?!

harshni said...


Well, it never came up! LOL!

Hari said...

listen to the music.. or watch the people.. don't worship anyone..

much like being a playboy and a sucker for babes..

Sharanya said...

@ Harshni:

Yeah, I figured. Man, this was a surprise =D

harshni said...


May i know why it's so surprising?

Ryan said...

Hari, olaraadha da :P

Hari said...

heh :) i don't remember writing this.. must've been out of my mind..